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Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Dropshipping Stores in 2024

Profile picture of Nedina Gjorgjieva
Nedina Gjorgjieva
27th December, 2023
8 minutes

ChatGPT is changing the eCommerce world as we speak. That being said, leveraging its power can significantly change the way you perform your day-to-day business operations and interact with your customers for the better.

To prove our point, today, we're taking a look at the best ChatGPT Chrome extensions designed to improve and transform your dropshipping store into a more productive, customer-centric, and AI-powered business.

So, let’s discover how these innovative tools can really be.

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What are the benefits of using ChatGPT Chrome extensions?

Considering using ChatGPT for your dropshipping store? Here’s why it’s a great choice. 

  • Improves customer interactions. With their ability to understand and respond to natural language, the ChatGPT Chrome extensions can provide personalized answers to your customers’ questions.
  • Saves time. Tired of mundane repetitive tasks? Let the ChatGPT extensions do the work for you while you focus on more important aspects of your dropshipping business.
  • Boosts productivity. Do more in less time. The Chrome extensions for ChatGPT can help you solve complex problems quickly, automate responses, streamline processes, and many more.
  • Access to useful integrations. Connect your ChatGPT extensions with your favorite CRM platforms, social media accounts, or Microsoft Office documents to synchronize your data.
  • Refined content. The more you feed your ChatGPT extensions with content that needs improving, the better they become at optimizing copy, writing texts, and detecting grammar errors.

What are the best ChatGPT Chrome extensions?


Merlin stands out as an incredibly useful tool for summarizing all kinds of contentfrom blog posts and website copy to emails and videos.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key features:

  • Summarizes websites, videos, emails, PDF documents, and blog posts.
  • Comes with 13 built-in ChatGPT plugins.
  • Helps with creating engaging ad copies.


  • 4.8 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 1,000,000


Promptheus is a highly regarded ChatGPT Chrome extension that has gained popularity for providing users to communicate with ChatGPT. Simply, open ChatGPT and, instead of typing your prompt, talk to ChaTGPT directly!

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key features:

  • Allows for voice-based communication with ChatGPT.
  • Makes ChatGPT use easier and faster.
  • Increases productivity.


  • 3.5 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 20,000

ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT Writer is a powerful Chrome extension that allows for quick and efficient text generation. By utilizing advanced language models, ChatGPT Writer streamlines the process of composing emails, chat responses, and other written communication, saving valuable time and effort.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key features:

  • Great for writing clear and concise emails and short messages.
  • Fixes grammar mistakes.
  • Summarizes long texts.
  • Works for Chrome, Bing, and Brave.
  • Supports multiple languages.


  • 4.7 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 600,000

ChatGPT File Uploader 

The ChatGPT File Uploader is the perfect extension for those in search of the best tool for streamlined file sharing. This extension seamlessly integrates into your browser, allowing for quick and easy file uploads in ChatGPT from any tab. 

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key features:

  • Allows you to import PDF documents into ChatGPT from any tab of your browser.
  • Supports multiple search engines.
  • Offers AI-image generation, converting text to image.
  • Supports Open API and ChatGPT Plus.


  • 3.6 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 70,000

ChatGPT for Google

ChatGPT for Google is a revolutionary extension that integrates ChatGPT’s AI capabilities with Google search to enhance user experience.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • AI-powered search result summaries and explanations.
  • Integration with Google to enhance search queries.
  • Simplifies complex information from search results.


  • 4.7 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 3,000,000

Superpower ChatGPT

The Superpower CHatGPT extension offers multiple AI-powered features that can tremendously ease up everyday tasks.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Allows you to organize your prompts and export them in different formats.
  • You can control the tone and style in which the responses are generated.
  • Provides an image gallery where you can search and download images.
  • Supports over 190 languages.


  • 3.8 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 100,000

ChatGPT Toolkit

ChatGPT Toolkit offers a streamlined conversation with ChatGPT, allowing you to communicate with the chat from anywhere on your browser.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • The tool is available in a popup, allowing users to switch tabs without closing it.
  • User-friendly interface that can be navigated by anyone.


  • 4.5 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 2,000,000

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

YouTube Summary is a unique tool that leverages AI to provide concise summaries of YouTube content, aiding users in quickly grasping the essence of videos.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Provides a summary of YouTube videos, PDF documents, and articles.
  • The app is empowered by both ChatGPT and Claude.
  • Great tool if you don’t have a lot of time to watch long video content.


  • 4.1 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 900,000

Text To Speech Voice Reader Online

The Text To Speech extension is an innovative tool that transforms written content into speech, providing users with convenient summaries of various types of content.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Allows conversion of text to speech.
  • You can easily adjust the speaking speed.
  • You can choose between a male or female voice.
  • Can generate content in many languages.
  • Can summarize content from any website, including YouTube and Vimeo.


  • 4.3 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 400,000

Voice Control for ChatGPT

Voice Control for ChatGPT brings a voice-activated feature, offering a hands-free and more interactive way to engage with AI technology.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Easily record prompts by using your microphone.
  • You can opt for the responses to read out aloud.
  • Supports both Chrome and Edge browsers.
  • Available in multiple languages.


  • 4.2 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 400,000


ShareGPT was designed for easy sharing of ChatGPT conversations among team members.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Simplifies sharing of ChatGPT dialogues.
  • Allows you to share all links that lead to ChatGPT conversations.
  • Ideal for collaborative AI-based projects.


  • 2.9 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 50,000

ChatGenie for Chatgpt

ChatGenie for Chatgpt expands ChatGPT’s abilities by allowing for easy access to the tool from your browser.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Allows you to use ChatGPT from anywhere on your browser.
  • Easy access to ChatGPT through your toolbar.
  • User-friendly interface for diverse applications.


  • 4.1 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 7,000,000

GPT for Sheets & Docs

GPT for Sheets & Docs seamlessly integrates ChatGPT with Google Sheets and Docs, allowing you to order ChatGPT to automatically generate content into your documents. 

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Streamlines work in Sheets and Docs using AI.
  • Automates content creation and data analysis.
  • Can outline content, write blog posts, summarize notes, translate text, and many more.


  • 4.3 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 5,000,000


ReaderGPT saves you time in reading long content and helps you understand more complex texts by offering you insightful summaries.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Can create a summary on any web page.
  • Ideal for in-depth analysis of texts.
  • Streamlines learning and research processes.


  • 3.7 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 70,000

ImagePrompt – Reverse Image To Prompt

The ImagePrompt extension transforms images into descriptive AI prompts, allowing you to experiment with your creativity.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Converts images into AI-readable prompts.
  • Prompts can be used to further generate images with Dall-E, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion.
  • All prompts can be saved and shared.


  • 3.4 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 4,000

AI Prompt Genius

AI Prompt Genius helps you craft relevant and effective prompts for all kinds of tasks.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Generates customized prompts.
  • Organizes your prompts in folders.
  • Integration with Google Sheets is available.
  • Supports up to 12 languages.


  • 3.5 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 100,000


ChatSonic takes ChatGPT’s capability to the next level by making it possible to generate different types of content for many of your business tasks.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Generates emails.
  • Creates Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn posts.
  • Generates quick responses for your DMs.
  • Can be used in Google Docs as well.


  • 4.9 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 100,000

GMPlus – Open AI ChatGPT for Email

GMPlus gives ChatGPT the power to streamline email communications, saving you time in writing and answering emails.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Helps with email marketing by generating emails based on context.
  • Fixes typo mistakes.
  • Supports multiple languages.


  • 4.2 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 50,000


AnyPicker is a ChatGPT extension that simplifies the web scraping process, making data extraction from websites more accessible.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Simplifies data scraping.
  • No-code solution for easy web data extraction.
  • It allows you to scrape and download images, crawl multiple pages, and export files in CSV and XLS among other things.
  • Ideal for users without technical coding skills.


  • 4 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 20,000

Casper AI

Casper AI is a versatile ChatGPT extension that can perform various tasks among which summarize and generate content.

best chatgpt chrome extensions

Key Features:

  • Saves you the effort of reading long documents.
  • Can summarize PDF files and content on any web page.
  • Summarizes and creates content.


  • 4.2 out of 5 stars

Number of users:

  • 20,000

A leap towards a smarter use of AI

The integration of ChatGPT with Chrome through various extensions can offer a plethora of advantages for your dropshipping business.

From integrating AI into your Google searches and automating various tasks to generating high-quality content and optimizing your SEO strategies, these extensions will help you get your job done faster and more efficiently. 

Choosing the most useful out of these best ChatGPT Chrome extensions depends on your specific needs, but whichever you go with, you aren’t likely to make a mistake.


Yes, there are several Chrome extensions available that allow you to integrate ChatGPT within your Chrome browser one of the most popular being the ChatGPT extension for Google.

Chrome extensions are generally safe when downloaded from reputable developers and directly from the Chrome Web Store. However, it’s important to read reviews, check the developer’s credibility, and read the permissions required by the extension to ensure safety and privacy.

Some of the absolute best ChatGPT Chrome extensions include:

  • Merlin
  • Promptheus
  • ReaderGPT
  • ChatGPT Writer
  • ChatGPT for Google
  • ImagePrompt
  • ChatSonic
  • YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude
  • Superpower ChatGPT
  • GPT for Sheets & Docs

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