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Facebook Ads for Dropshipping: How to Create a Converting Campaign?

Profile picture of Nedina Gjorgjieva
Nedina Gjorgjieva
21st November, 2022
11 minutes

To reach a great level of customer conversions, dropshipping businesses need to constantly be fueled with pinpoint converting marketing strategies. These will make it possible for dropshippers to advertise the products they’re passionate about and transmit their brand’s message while at the same time targeting their buyer persona.

The inspiration behind this concept comes from CEO and keynote speaker Adele Revella, who claims that “effective messaging emerges at the intersection of what your buyers want to hear and what you want to say.” To put it simply, as stated before, as a business owner, you need to be able to not only sell what customers want but meet them halfway by creating a product you’ll also feel proud of and excited to offer.

That being said, Facebook ads for dropshipping are one of your best chances to achieve that goal. Between the years 2009 and 2021, Meta’s advertising platform experienced a staggering growth rate - from US$700 million to US$114 billion in the span of only eleven years.

Statistic: Meta's (formerly Facebook Inc.) advertising revenue worldwide from 2009 to 2021 (in million U.S. dollars) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

By 2022, that last revenue has already surpassed and reached US$135 billion, with a projection that the social platform will earn an advertising revenue of up to US$200 billion by 2026.

Having these incomes in mind, you can easily imagine just how massive the Facebook advertising community is. 

In the following sections of this article, we’ll dive deep into the reasons why Facebook advertising has become one of the most effective advertising paid channels, investigate all the ad types this platform offers, and of course, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create and run converting Facebook ads for your dropshipping store.

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What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads comprise those ads that run on the social media platform Facebook. They’re often used by entrepreneurs, including dropshippers, to advertise their products and/or services. The Facebook ads can appear in multiple forms including feeds, reels, and stories, and be displayed not only on Facebook, but on the Messenger app, Instagram, and even beyond the platform through the Facebook Audience Network. The performance of your ads can be observed via the Facebook ad metrics.

How much are Facebook ads for dropshipping?

Because Facebook allows you to have full control over the money you wish to spend on ads, the costs for Facebook ads for dropshipping can vary significantly – you can pay as little as $0.50 and as much as $20 or more per ad. In essence, the platform allows you to choose a budget you’d like to stick to for each of your ads.

Are Facebook ads worth it?

Facebook ads are most certainly worth giving a go. Considering the platform’s widespread popularity, these ads can easily give your dropshipping business the necessary nudge and increase dropshipping sales.

How many types of Facebook ads for dropshipping are there?

When it comes to the ad format, Facebook ads come in four different types, each with its own set of benefits.

Single image ad

The single image ad is the most commonly used ad format as it’s clean, simple, and highly effective in engaging with the audience. If you’re just starting with Facebook advertising and are short on time, these ads are quite ideal to help you get things going. Here’s an example of single image clothing ads:

Video ad

If you’re feeling your creative juices flowing, you can put together winning video ads to get your brand’s message across and display your products in a unique way. The Meta Business Suite equips you with all the necessary tools needed to deliver such ads to your audience. Take a look at these video fashion ads:

Collection ad

Collection ads are a mobile-only ad format great for showing off a whole collection of dropshipping winning products, making it possible for buyers to take a glance at multiple items they can shop from your dropshipping store at the same time. With these ads, you can combine both video and image formats and encourage customers to take instant action.  Check out the apparel collection ads below:

Carousel ad

Carousel ads are another highly popular ad structure that allows you to combine up to 10 visual elements (both video and image), each with its own headline, description, and link. In this way, you can feature different products on each of the carousel cards or the same product presented from different angles. Look at following the clothing carousel ads to get a better idea of how these ads look:

Why make the most of Facebook ads for dropshipping?

Now that you have some general knowledge of Facebook ads, let’s sum up the reasons that have led the platform to become one of the best platforms for paid advertising. 

Widely accessible user base

Marked as the biggest social media network as of January 2022, Facebook is undoubtedly the place to be when it comes to launching your advertising campaigns. With close to 3 billion active users on a monthly basis, the platform exposes you to a wide user base and an infinite number of potential customers.

Statistic: Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2022, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Customized audience targeting

Facebook advertising allows you to build ads meant for a very specific audience. You can do this by customizing your ads based on users’ demographics, locations, interests, and behaviors. In this way, you’ll be able to build ad campaigns relevant to the customers you’re targeting and significantly increase your conversion rate.

Rapidly scaling web traffic

Because these ads can be run across multiple platforms and places at the same time (both on and beyond Facebook), your ads will be able to easily reach a massive audience. As a result, well-put-together ads can generate for your dropshipping store enormous engagement and make your dropshipping store traffic skyrocket, especially during peak eCommerce seasons.

Budget-friendly advertising

With Facebook giving you the freedom of allocating your budget to your desires, you can invest as much or as little as you wish. You’re pretty much at liberty to organize your expenses based on how much you can afford and the amount of exposure you’re aiming at. If your goals undergo any future changes, you can always adjust your ad costs accordingly.

How to create and run Facebook ads for dropshipping?

Step 1: Build your Facebook Page

In order to start advertising on Facebook, you need to have a Facebook page which you can set up in this way:

  • Login into your Facebook account (if you don’t have one, create one here
  • Open the settings and choose to create a page.
  • Follow the instructions you’ll be given.

Step 2: Set up your Meta Business Suite Account

The Meta Business Suite, previously known as the Facebook Ads Manager, is the main platform where all ads are created. So, naturally, you’ll need to create an account here:

  • Fill out the form and click ‘Submit’.
  • Click on the settings icon, select ‘Business Settings’, and then ‘Pages’ to connect your Facebook Business Page to your account. 

Step 3: Set up your Ad Account

Before being able to create ads, you’ll also need to set up an ad account within the Meta Business Suite Platform:

  • Open your settings and under ‘Accounts’ click on ‘Ad accounts.’
  • Enter your ad account information.

Step 4: Set up your payment method

Once both your accounts are running, go on and choose your payment method:

  • Open the settings, select “Payment Methods,” and click on the “Add Payment Method” button.
  • Provide your billing information.

Step 5: Install Meta Pixel

The last step before you can start creating your Facebook ads requires you to set up your Meta Pixel – a convenient free piece of code that’ll track your ad conversions and inform you every time when a visitor takes some kind of action on your website, such as making a purchase or registering on your site. You can install it in only a few steps:

  • Open your Business settings and under “Data Sources” choose “Pixels.”
  • Choose from one of the installation methods and follow the instructions.

Step 6: Create your Facebook ads

Facebook ads consist of three components, the ad campaign, the ad set, and the ad itself, all of which require to be created separately and involve setting up different parts of the ad:

Ad campaign

  • Choosing your ad objective (ex. spread brand awareness, collect leads, send people to your website or social media accounts, target customers that are most likely to shop from your dropshipping store, etc.)

Ad set:

  • Creating your target audience (based on demographics, location, age, gender, and language, interests, and behaviors)
  • Choosing the ad placements where you wish your ads to be shown
  • Scheduling the time and date your ads will be displayed
  • Arranging your ad budget


  • Deciding on your ad structure (single image, video, carousel, or collection)
  • Incorporating all visual elements (media, description, headline, display link, call-to-action button, etc.)

Creating the ad campaign

  • Click on the ‘+Create’ button;
  • Select your campaign objective;
  • Decide on a campaign name;
  • Click on ‘Next.’

Creating the ad set

  • Fill in your ad set name and select your Facebook page.
  • Set up your budget and the date range during which your ad will run.
  • Design your target audience.
  • Set up your placements.
  • Click on ‘Next.’

Creating the ad

  • Come up with an ad name.
  • Choose your ad format.
  • Provide all visual aids required.
  • Click on ‘Publish’.

Tips on running converting Facebook ads for dropshipping

Pay attention to your ad creatives 

Don’t expect your ad to draw in visitors without being enhanced with the right creative elements. So, pay special attention to the elements you’re inserting. For instance, aim for a simple yet appealing image improved with photo editing apps, provide short but descriptive text, and incorporate a compelling CTA button. To provide you with a more visual example where all of these tips have been implemented, take a look at fashion ads below:

Focus on building lookalike audiences

Despite creating your custom audience, the Meta Business Suite allows you to build a so-called lookalike audience consisting of customers that share similar shopping interests as your targeted buyers. You’ll find this option in your ad set, in the audience section by clicking on ‘Create new’ and then selecting ‘Lookalike audience.’

Opt for the Advantage Campaign Budget

When it comes to managing your budget, the Meta Business Suite provides you with the Advantage Campaign Budge (previously known as Campaign Budget Optimization). By activating this feature, you’re agreeing for Meta to automatically allocate your budget across all ad sets. In other words, depending on how well your ads are optimized, Meta will distribute a bigger budget to those that have greater chances for success. 

Insert converting keywords

Your chances of converting customers will significantly increase if you upgrade your ad with the right keywords which you can easily find by conducting dropshipping keyword research. For example, let’s say you’re running a luxury clothing dropshipping business. Including frequently searched keywords such as ‘luxury dresses’ and ‘designer clothing, will automatically give you better odds of reaching out to more buyers. Check out the following ads to get an idea of how to incorporate these keywords:

Conduct split testings

In order to create a highly-converting Facebook ad, you’ll need to spend some time testing it over and over again until you’re able to perfect it and transform it into a top-performing ad. Split testings, also known as A/B testings, allow you to build two different ads and by testing them out, you can see which one of them will ultimately bring you the maximum results. You can test all of the ad’s visual elements by playing with different headlines, images and/or videos, call-to-action buttons, and so on.

Display your ads across multiple platforms

As already mentioned, Facebook ads can be showcased on multiple platforms including Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and Audience Network. So, take advantage of this opportunity and plaster them across more than one or two channels. In this way, exposing your target audience to your ads will be a lot easier to achieve.

More dropshipping ads

Closing comments

Facebook advertising is an excellent marketing channel through which you can kick off your dropshipping business. It opens the way for selling the products you’re passionate about by promoting them to specifically targeted customers as well as to those with similar interests. Designed to offer simple and affordable advertising, Facebook can help you change the course of your dropshipping store for the better and assist you in climbing the ladder of success.


Facebook ads are used to advertise your business, grow your customer conversions, and increase your sales. You can create and run them through the Meta Business Suite.

Facebook ads are not free. However, they are quite affordable. The platform allows you to set up a budget for each of your ads.

The cost of Facebook ads can vary tremendously. Because Facebook enables you to create your one budget, you can pay anywhere between $0.50 and $20 or more per ad.

Yes, running Facebook ads can be profitable. With the right strategy in place, your Facebook ads can bring your dropshipping store a lot of engagement.

Yes, Facebook ads definitely work for dropshipping. With dropshipping stores having taken the online shopping world by storm, Facebook ads have shown to be very successful in generating your store traffic and sales.

All types of Facebook ads (image, video, carousel, collection) can be effective in promoting your products and services. It all depends on how much money and effort you invest in creating ads that’ll bring conversions.

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