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Top 10 Engagement Interactive Posts to Boost Your Social Media Traffic

Profile picture of Nedina Gjorgjieva
Nedina Gjorgjieva
1st December, 2022
8 minutes

Having accumulated billions of active users, social media has become a dominant advertising medium where dropshippers can reach out to an immense audience consisting of both their targeted customers and shoppers with similar interests they’d likely be able to target as well. As stated by Statista, in 2022, social networks gathered 4.89 billion users with a prediction that that number will climb to 5.85 billion by 2027.

Consequently, it has become inevitable for dropshippers to master creating online content that is highly engaging and persuasive enough to get customers to respond to their posts. 

In the next sections, we’ll look over the meaning of engagement interactive posts and highlight their importance for your fashion dropshipping business. Moreover, to give you an idea of what such content looks like, we’ll dig into ten foolproof engagement interactive posts you can create for your apparel dropshipping store.

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What are engagement interactive posts?

Engagement interactive posts are a type of social media post that have the purpose to increase audience engagement and improve buyer-seller communication. They play a vital role in every dropshipper’s content strategy as these posts will often be the ones to encourage customers to engage with your brand, and eventually, make a purchase. Engagement interactive posts can be created across most social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat, to name a few.

Why create engagement interactive posts?

The reason why engagement interactive posts are so important is that they generate buzz around your social media accounts, which, consequently, can significantly boost your business revenue. They do this by helping you improve a few aspects of your clothing dropshipping store:

  • Build up your brand loyalty;
  • Increase your followers’ base;
  • Increase your website’s number of visitors;
  • Establish strong relationships with customers;
  • Learn about customers’ shopping habits, interests, and behaviors.

What types of posts get the most engagement?

Engagement interactive posts come in many different types and forms. In the following paragraphs, we’ll delve into the ones that are likely to generate the most engagement and increase your dropshipping store’s visibility to a maximum.

Q&A/ AMA sessions

Satisfying your customers’ curiosity with regular Q&A (question and answer) or AMA (ask me anything) sessions is one of the most effective ways to let your audience express their hesitancy and ask away about anything regarding your store: from queries about your fashion products, shipping schedules, and delivery carriers, to your business’s narrative, objectives, and values. You can choose to do Instagram stories with the question sticker, a TikTok pre-recorded video, or even provide answers via Facebook comments.

Live streams

The most direct way to interact with your audience is through no other but live streams. While back in the day YouTube used to dominate in this field, nowadays, the majority of social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, offer this feature as well, making it possible for fashion dropshippers like yourself to communicate with your customers on their favorite social network.  

Polls and surveys

Customers always feel appreciated when stores ask for their opinions about the changes they’d like to see in their future shopping endeavors. Polls and surveys are a fantastic way to engage your buyers in such important decisions. For example, Facebook and Instagram are great platforms for creating a voting poll which has shown to be most effective when presented in stories, considering the fact Statista has reported up to 500 million daily active users of Instagram stories. You can use a ‘this or that’ poll, an emoji sliding poll, or the traditional multiple-choice poll.

Quizzes and games

Challenging customers with a quiz or two once in a while is not only a great stimulation exercise but also a highly effective strategy to get them to engage with your brand.

To illustrate, you can organize games on topics such as ‘Who wore it best,’ ‘Greatest fashion trend of all time’ or ‘Next fall’s/ summer’s/ winter’s/ spring’s top trending piece.’ 


Providing customers with crucial data about your fashion dropshipping store is often a method that helps buyers get an idea of how your business is doing. However, this information doesn’t always need to be presented in the form of boring dropshipping statistics but rather with illustrative infographics.

These can be created by using catchy headlines and limiting long text, choosing visually pleasing templates, and inserting a bunch of free icons. You can easily build them on photo editing apps and publish them across your social media platforms as a post. 

Giveaways and sweepstakes

Contests that involve gifting free items, such as giveaways and sweepstakes, are something that all customers would undoubtedly take part in, especially when it comes to winning clothes and accessories. However, knowing that these posts will cost you a few extra bucks, eCommerce peak seasons like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Black Friday are your ideal opportunity to present irresistible offers such as “buy one get one for free” promotions.

Teaser posts

Dropping a new fashion collection? Organizing a giveaway? Preparing a sale? Then why not keep your audience on their toes with a teaser post? Nothing will generate the same engagement as content that builds up enormous suspense and leaves shoppers wondering about your next move. You can tease them with a photo of a half product, a short video that doesn’t reveal too much, or an announcement that something is cooking.

Personal posts

When trying to increase customer engagement, not every one of your posts has to be related to your products and services. Instead, implement one or two posts through which you can present yourself and your company to your audience. Prior to making a purchase, many customers seek to establish an emotional relationship with the clothing brand in question. This is because such a connection often reassures shoppers that the seller values their loyalty and appreciates their contribution. Having said that, personal posts, such as behind-the-scene posts, can do wonders in this situation.

Social media stories

When it comes to social media advertising, dropshippers can create content in a variety of forms. However, with 1 billion Facebook stories shared daily, as stated by SocialPilot, and up to 70% of all Instagram users scrolling through stories on a daily basis, as reported by Techjury, stories appear to be a winning content form. Although they disappear after a short 24 hours time span, stories let you inform your audience about your store’s latest fashion happenings.

User-generated content

User-generated content is an exceptionally good strategy that allows you to interact with customers and let them know they can trust your brand. This type of post involves giving your audience the green light to share your content on their accounts and, thus, spread the word about your clothing dropshipping store. To put it differently, followers are free to tag you in their posts, tweet about your store, review your products, blog about your store, or reshare any of your content.

Tips on how to write engagement interactive posts

You now know which types of engagement posts will most likely get your audience to interact with your fashion brand. However, when it comes to writing the content for those posts, here are three tips on what to specifically pay attention to.

Stay relevant to your dropshipping niche

The number one rule in creating engagement interactive posts for your fashion dropshipping store is don’t stray away from your niche. To illustrate, if you own an online store specializing in selling luxury goods, make sure to constantly produce content relevant to high-end fashion in order to effectively target that specific audience.

Keep an eye on audience engagement

Although it’s good to have a plan in place regarding posts you’re planning to publish in the span of a week or month, it’s also equally important to observe what your audience engages with the most. For example, if after moderating a Q&A your fashion sales have elevated more than usual, then consider planning such sessions more often.

Carefully choose the posting time

To get the most out of your engagement interactive posts, focus on thoroughly planning your posting times. In this manner, your posts will be organized around the time your audience is most active online which in turn will give you the best shot of getting them to respond to your content.

To sum up: engagement interactive posts are your best friend

Posts that’ll drive your engagement rate through the roof are something you want to make a focal point in your social media strategy. After all, content that encourages interaction and participation contributes tremendously to your eCommerce conversion rate and overall sales increase. Having said that, prioritize creating engagement interactive posts to get the best chances of converting visitors into customers.

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