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15 Best Shopify Apps for Customer Support

Profile picture of Lilla Stefanovszky
Lilla Stefanovszky
30th August, 2021
14 minutes

Shopify is one of the most widely recognized CMS (Content Management System) platforms where you can easily build your website without extensive coding knowledge. There are over 1.7 million merchants that choose Shopify to manage and host their online stores all over the world. This is because the online store builder offers both creative store Shopify web designs and seamless integration with your supplier. For example, when working with dropshipping supplier BrandsGateway, owners can easily install their Shopify App and connect their store with their supplier's system.

In addition, Shopify also allows you to further improve and personalize your store by offering you over 3200 apps in the Shopify App Store. This vast number of apps available can be both a benefit and a curse when it comes to picking the right ones for your business.

In this article, we will focus on the best Shopify apps for customer support as we all know how important customer support is in the competitive environment that we are living in today. The apps listed below can help you to better handle unhappy customers and make the customer service process less labor-intensive so you can focus your energies on other more important aspects of your business.

Recommended reading: Shopify Email Marketing Apps

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Whatsapp Chat + Abandoned cart

The first of the Shopify apps for customer support on our list is a Whatsapp-based live chat app that you can integrate and use free of charge with your online store. This app will serve as a live chat option for your customers to start communicating with you directly. Once they press the live chat button, the app will automatically open up their Whatsapp where the exchange of messages can start immediately. The great benefit of this app is that once a visitor starts a chat but leaves your store without a purchase you can still reach out to them. This way you can attempt to lower your cart abandonment rate by converting that lead into a sale.

Cart abbandonement strategies

SuperLemon – Whatsapp Support

The second on our list is another Whatsapp customer support you might want to try out as Whatsapp is one of the fastest-growing communication platforms worldwide with over 2 billion users as of 2020. With the SuperLemon app, you can add a Whatsapp chat button on your store’s page that will automatically transfer your customers to the Whatsapp app where they can start communicating with you directly.

You can both choose to answer with custom messages and you can also utilize pre-existing automated answer templates. These pre-existing templates are best used to keep in touch with your customers on matters like abandoned carts, order confirmation, and shipment status updates rather than solving or answering a more problematic inquiry. When you choose to create your own templates you can add variables to them so when a certain variable comes up in a question sent by a customer you can send a template answer with just a few clicks.

HelpCenter | FAQ HelpDesk Tabs

HelpCenter can be a to-go Shopify app for customer support when you want to cover all areas of customer service with a single app, such as a FAQ page, helpdesk ticketing, live chat, and tabs on product pages. The intuitive FAQ builder will help you develop an informative FAQs page that integrates with your store’s design in just under 10 minutes so you can better focus your attention on customers’ queries.

You can easily organize the questions and answers into subcategories and make your FAQs page searchable for better access for your customers. The helpdesk ticketing feature will assist you with managing and answering all customer questions that are coming in from different platforms such as through email, Facebook messenger, and so on. The live chat option will enable your customers to contact you directly in real-time.

Tidio – Live Chat & Chatbots

This app is also a great option when you are looking for a free solution to merch your marketing automation, live chat, and bots in order to increase customer satisfaction. Through the Tidio live chat, your customers are able to reach you in real-time which gives you the opportunity to convert them better and increase your sales. In the case of a customer messaging you outside of business hours, you can use the bot to make sure all customer inquiries are answered in a timely manner.

You can teach your chatbot to automatically update your customers on delivery status, estimated delivery times, and product availability, so only the questions that require a more in-depth answer will end up in your mailbox. Also, through the bot, you can further explore the reasons for cart abandonment and make an alternative offer to your customer in the hopes of recovering their carts. Last but not least, Tidio allows you to view all your incoming messages and queries across multiple channels on one dashboard so you can be on top of them at all times.

G:Form Builder – Contact Form

With the help of this Shopify app for customer support, you can easily build a responsive and user-friendly contact form for your website. Having a contact form instead of displaying your email address directly on your store’s website has the advantage of avoiding dealing with spam messages and email. With G:Form Builder you can integrate a contact form anywhere on your website from your contact page to your blog posts. You have unlimited form options that you can add to your website and also unlimited fields that you can add to each contact form to best serve your customers. Moreover, not only you but your customers will also get notified once a form is submitted so they can be sure that their message reaches you while you can manage all of them in one place.

POWR Form Builder

ROWR Form Builder can be another solution for you if you want to include forms on your store’s page. With this app, you can build a wide variety of forms ranging from an inquiry form to a returns form. When your customers fill out any form that’s powered by POWR Form Builder all new contact details will be saved and collected by the app for you to view and manage in one dashboard. The content of this dashboard then can be synced with Shopify Customers so that you can provide further customer service to any of these contacts.

Additionally, if you decide to create an email newsletter signup form with this app, the contacts you gain from your customers who sign up can be automatically integrated into your Mailchimp marketing platform which reduces the time you need to spend administering these.

Shopify Inbox

Next on our list is Shopify Inbox is a free business chat app that helps you to manage your emails, social media and live chat conversations all in one place. This way you can not only assist your customers with all their queries but also communicate with them while they are mids of a purchasing decision. This app will help you to upsell, cross-sell or offer a discount directly inside the chat in order to achieve a higher conversion rate and ultimately profit more from your visitors. Shopify Inbox can be integrated with Facebook Messenger, Apple Messages, and Instagram so you can view all incoming communications all at once.

Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay

Another free Shopify app for customer support is Lucky Orange that offers you help with the customer service aspect through its live chat option and with monitoring of your visitors’ behavior on your website. You can monitor your visitors’ behavior on your site and watch them navigate through it either in a live session or on a recording. This way you can easily realize what stops them from converting.

Also, with a heatmap, you can see the most clicked and visited parts of your site and how far down your customers scroll on each page. This knowledge can come in handy when reviewing your website design and the content of your pages. Furthermore, you can target your customers with special discounts that are triggered by a certain behavior to lower your cart abandonment rate.

Chatra Live Chat, ChatBot, Cart Saver

The next app you need to know about in the Shopify App Store that offers a free plan is Chatra Live Chat, ChatBot, Cart Saver. Chatra can help you with elevating your customers’ experience with your shop by answering questions and eliminating concerns throughout the purchasing decision. By using this app you will be able to see in real-time the visitors on your page and what they have in their carts. This helps you to identify your most valuable customers and gives you the chance to offer them tailored assistance if they seem stuck with the ordering process.

Chatra can not only assist you with the messages sent to you directly on your store’s live chat but also through Facebook Messenger to allow you to manage all your incoming messages at once. Also, the app stores your visitors’ information on what lead they came from, how they interacted with your store, and any previous messages you had so you can better track and understand each and every interaction in the future.

Facebook Message by Omega

Facebook Message by Omega is yet another Shopify app for customer support. This app only focuses on the integration of live customer support and Facebook with enabling your customers to connect to you from both the live chat function on your store’s website and through Facebook alike. This can be a feature for your business due to the fact that Facebook Messenger is the second largest communication platform based on the number of users in 2021.

You are also able to schedule your working hours with this app so your customers will see when you are active to answer questions. But when you are away from your computer, you do not need to worry as your customers can leave you offline messages as well to which you can get back to later. Another benefit this app holds is that it records and stores all previous conversations with each customer so you can always go back and view your chat history.

Gorgias – Live Chat & Helpdesk

Although Gorgias is not a free app that you can install and integrate into your Shopify store, you can always opt-out after the free seven days trial period that it offers. In these seven days, you can surely test out the app and make a more informed decision. Gorgias is one of the apps that offer a comprehensive integration of all the platforms you could be reached out to by your customers. This way you can not only have your emails, live chat, contact us page forms, and Facebook messages in one view but also all your phone calls and even Instagram direct messages.

This app also allows you to pull up the whole history and preferences of the customer while supporting them with the queries, including their order history, personal profile, and previous support details. You can also work on eliminating your customer support ticket backlogs by setting up automated responses and bot messages for commonly asked questions. Moreover, you do not have to exit the customer support app in order to cancel, refund, or modify any customer order while actively talking to a customer as all this can be managed in the same dashboard. So, Gorgias might not be your cheapest option coming at 60 UDS/month but it can be worth the investment in the long run.

AfterShip Returns Center

Returns can be very off-putting and make you feel that your customers did not have a great experience with your products or services. But it is crucial to manage your returns well in order to make a good impression and potentially win yourself a returning customer. AfterShip Returns Center is the app that can help you with returns management to ensure all your customers have a great post-purchase experience. This app enables your customers to fill in a return request with just a few clicks.

Once you receive the return request you can manage and track it together with the already running returns in one view. Also, you can upload your pre-paid return labels or automatically generate one that your customer receives in an automated return instructions email to streamline your process and make it less labor-intensive. Moreover, you can integrate the AfterShip Returns Center app with over 10 of the most widely used couriers such as DHL, UPS, and FedEx, so your customers can easily print their return labels and track the progress of their return.

Product Question and Answers

Product Questions and Answers is another Shopify app for customer support that features a FAQs section but in this case on the product page itself. This app allows your customers to ask product-specific questions that you can answer and later publish directly on the product page. This way you can not only add fresh content to your product pages but also improve the SEO of the given page. In addition, your customer will get extra information on the product with each question you answer so they can make a more informed purchasing decision.

Wiremo – Customer Review App

When it comes to reviews and FAQs on your store or on your products Wiremo can also be a great solution for your business. Reviews are not only important to increase the trust of your business but also to improve the SEO leads to your store and help you be more visible on the eCommerce market. This app can help you to encourage your customers to leave reviews for either your product or your store by sending them automated review request emails once they have made a purchase. Also, Wiremo can assist you with answering all your incoming reviews both in an automated and a manual way. Besides reacting to the reviews, the AI in this app will help you to understand how your customers feel about your store in all stages of the purchasing process so you can improve your customer service even further.

I Agree To Terms

I Agree To Terms is not a traditional customer support app but one that adds a Terms & Conditions checkbox to your Shopify store. Having your Terms & Conditions highlighted and asking your customers to read them thoroughly and accept them can not only protect them throughout the purchasing process but you as well. This way you can make sure there are fewer misunderstandings and if there is one there will be something to fall back on for both parties.

These policies can not only include your store’s Terms & Conditions but also other regulations such as the GDPR guidelines set by the EU or any other rules and regulations that impact the collection of personal information that your customers need to agree to and you need to comply with. With the I Agree To Terms app you can include such a checkbox at multiple pages throughout your website and link the relevant terms or policies you want to highlight and require your customers to accept.

To sum up

It is certain that your online store can not exist without the best Shopify apps for customer support. Therefore we recommend you check out all the abovementioned apps and explore the best fit for your business. Also, make sure you consider the financial aspect of using these apps too and if it is really worth paying for one. Try and optimize your spending on these support tools in order to get the highest return on your investment in your Shopify store.

Lastly, keep in mind that these apps are just serving you as a starting point in the world of Shopify customer support. So, we want to encourage you to always keep your eyes open for new solutions as new and improved apps are popping up every week.

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