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30 Price Comparison Websites to Increase Online Sales

Profile picture of Nedina Gjorgjieva
Nedina Gjorgjieva
19th November, 2020
16 minutes

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are not sure which price to put on your products? The solution to this problem is are price comparison websites. These days all Internet users are conducting deeper research. Therefore, customers are comparing prices to find the best deals online, and retailers are comparing prices to get a better picture of how their competitors are working.

As this is already very frequent in the eCommerce industry, today there are a lot of price comparison websites that can help store owners. It’s never been easier, there are hundreds of comparison methods they can use. If you have an online store, you must learn how to quickly adjust the prices of all your products. But, first, let us help you learn the basics and understand what is a price comparison and how price comparison websites work.

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What is a price comparison?

In the simplest terms, it’s the process of comparing product prices from different online stores. Everyone wants to save as much as they can, so the Internet has made it easier for us all. Over time, online shoppers have developed a few shopping habits that lead them to price comparison websites.

Price comparison websites and their services made online shopping simpler for customers. If you are a customer, you can compare the prices of almost any product or service, starting with global online stores, to your local boutiques and supermarkets. Furthermore, if you are an online store owner you can use price comparison websites for business purposes.

How do price comparison websites work?

You can use price comparison websites for different purposes and in different ways. As a customer, you can compare products from different stores by using these comparison apps or websites. These services allow you to dive deeper into your research and easily make a decision on what to buy. As a retailer, you can use them in the same way as consumers.

Furthermore, if you want your products to be listed on a certain price comparison website, usually, there’s a fee you’ll have to pay. In essence, each comparison website has a different workflow. Some tools require the product name, the other is just looking for the barcode. After they get the needed information, they filter the product and offer you different alternatives from different online stores.

How do price comparison websites help retailers?

Price comparison websites enable retailers to find out if their products are trending. Your brand’s popularity will grow, and there will be a time when you will want your products to be featured on some of the comparison websites.

By using a price comparison website, you can also keep your tabs on your competitors and their pricing. As you have imagined, if the customers can search on the comparison websites, you can do it too. They can help you learn more about your competitors, their pricing methods, their ranking on the service, and their strategies. You will align your strategy accordingly to your competitors.

Make the customers happy – your current customers might be using these services, too. The benefit of this information is that you can modify your product’s prices to satisfy your customers. Find out about their behavior, and what price brought them to your store.

Lastly, with price comparison websites you can find the right way to price your products – at the end of the day, you have to make the final decision about your products. Think about it, the price comparison apps and websites are only a couple of tools that can help you throughout the process. You will know the numbers around you, the information you need, and the averages around you. Remember that if your product has unique qualities, you aren’t required to align your price to the competitors. Make your plan, and adapt your price to it.

Some interesting facts about price comparing

  • 81% of the people that buy online research their product
  • 42% of holiday shoppers research online and buy online
  • An average internet buyer visits a minimum of 3 websites before they buy something. If they are looking for a more expensive product, they are going to spend more time searching on the internet. For example, when it comes to buying a new car, the customer seems to search for at least a couple of days, even a couple of weeks before they make their decision. They are looking for some reviews, video tutorials, etc.

Which price comparison site is the best?

Google Shopping

Google Product Listing Ads is one of the most popular websites for price comparison for online sellers who want to find out their competitor’s prices. It offers many benefits. From driving traffic to increasing your sales revenue. You can add your products to Google Shopping as many dropshippers do.

As you know, Google is considered the most reliable platform on the internet. Google cares about its customers, and will always present the best products for them. Their algorithm might change, but the goal stays the same. This price comparison website also includes the price comparison on the search itself. The process starts with searching for a particular product, then you will be presented with a couple of pictures from that product, along with more information, and in the end, you will have the choices below. Different stores will be offered, but you can filter your search according to your needs.

Yahoo Shopping

You might imagine that Yahoo Shopping is very similar to Google Shopping? If you did that, then you are probably right. If you are an online store owner, then you can add your products to Yahoo. Popular brands like Verizon Wireless and Amazon use Yahoo to promote their products.

Their comparison model is user-friendly, and it is quite easy to use. You only need to enter the name of the product into the search bar, and you will get the results that you were looking for.


BizRate ranks on the top of our list. It offers many options that include the best pricing, set notification alerts, and you can search through BizRate to find your perfect product. On BizRate, customers can find great package deals with a discount price available. Their website is user-friendly and the results that you get are one of the most relevant ones. This doesn’t make BizRate special whatsoever. They included the price alert option, along with the PDF manuals that you can download. You can activate the price alert option by entering your email address, and a price limitation. When the product reaches that price, you will be notified.


Amazon users often take advantage of this platform. The great thing about it is that you can find great package deals at superb prices. Marketing psychology does its job here, and it makes the customer dive into the available offers.

CamelCamelCamel offers you a couple of listings and comparisons from different sellers, and they compare that price with the same product on Amazon. For impulse buying psychology, they offer a price drop. Many owners who don’t use this option are one step behind their competitors. Overall, if you buy a lot of stuff on Amazon – you should try using CamelCamelCamel for the price comparison.


If you compared the prices of the online products you bought in the past, you surely know NextTag. It is one of the oldest comparison websites. Same as on the other comparison engines, NextTag offers many options that include price alerts, comparison of different retailers, and similar product finder. NextTag is useful for the dropshippers, too. They offer many options to compare prices and other strategies to other dropshippers.


This platform is used mostly by online store owners. Popular brands list their products on this platform called Pronto, where you can also find smaller businesses selling similar products to Walmart, Ikea, and more. The big plus on this platform is that you can use the bigger brands as a guide to your pricing strategies. The amount of product data that you can get on Pronto is huge.

This platform is collaborating with eBay, or it is part of the same group, whatever you want to say it. Same as the other comparison websites, offers you the right amount of data and products that you can use to align your pricing strategy. Users rated as one of their price comparison assistants.


We singled out Shopzilla because of its website traffic. They get millions of unique views, and they have a good amount of products on their website, too. Those qualities made Shopzilla one of the favorite price comparison engines to use in the upcoming 2021.


If your users are looking for the best package deals available on the internet, they should start visiting Become. This price comparison search engine includes extra discounted package deals and helps their users to choose the right retailer. They offer many options for dropshippers, and it’s easy to stay close to the competition.


This is one of the best tools if you want to go deeper into your research into product pricing. They have a huge amount of products uploaded on their website, and you can compare different product prices from retailers from anywhere in the world. One big advantage that PriceGrabber brings is that, if you upload your products on PriceGrabber, they will be listed on Yahoo Shopping.


Idealo comes from the UK. It is mainly used for comparing prices and products from the most popular sites like eBay and Amazon. Like any other price comparison websites, they offer many options for its users. In essence, Idealo is user-friendly and it’s very simple to use. With one simple search, you could get a huge amount of products listed below, along with their description, prices, and reviews.


Another UK-based price comparison website that allows you to compare the prices of all kinds of products, from electronics to fashion. Therefore, if you an owner of an online clothing store, this is one price comparison engine you should check out. Store owners benefit the most from this huge range of products because if you have a specific rare product listed on the website, you might be the only one.


This price comparison website is more aligned with fashion, fitness, and health. They offer a big filter setting that helps the users to find the right product. Like every other platform, they offer a search bar where they can look for competitive prices for their product.


This tool called Skinflint is made exclusively for dropshippers who structure their pricing strategy according to their competition. There is a classic search bar, and users use that for their products. There is a lot of data that can help you if your target group is in Europe. Mostly the comparisons are between the UK and Europe.

Shop To It

This price comparison website is useful for Canadians. It is one of the most popular websites to use for comparing prices from retailers based in Canada. However, even if your online store isn’t based in Canada, if Canadians are part of your target audience, you can benefit from Shop To It. It offers many filtering options, and you can choose your local region, too. Their users can see product comparison between the most popular sites in Canada, like Amazon, Overstock, etc.


This is a price comparison search engine with a specific niche of products. Customers use this comparison engine for tech products mostly. So, if your online store focuses on the tech niche, Comparator can help you analyze your competitors’ prices.

Users can see clear reviews, product pricing, and price history. The specifications are highlighted, and it also recommends a list of products that match, daily deals, and the latest trend in the electronics industry.


Similar to Comparator, this search engine allows its users to compare prices in specific niches, electronics, and tech. Users use this comparison website to find the best deal available in their region. There is a huge amount of products listed on this website, and it is very easy to navigate. It shows you the lowest and highest product price.


This price comparison website is coming from the U.S.A, and most retailers use it to compare tech products. Computer hardware is the category that leads to the search section. If you are their regular visitor, you can find many sweet deals from time to time.

Shop Wiki

This is a price comparison application, and it features a huge amount of products from many popular online stores. The manual is the same as on the other websites. You start with the search bar and then you continue to scroll through the products, trying to identify the prices of products that belong to your niche. The filtering section allows you to limit your searches to preferred categories, brands, and else.


Their name says it all. This is one of the most popular price comparison websites in Australia. If Australia is one of your target countries, use this website to compare your prices against your competitors.

PayLessDeal is a source for finding great package deals, and they have a huge variety of products available to compare. Their website is simple to use, and while scrolling through the categories you can find out many dropshippers that listed their products on that platform. If you plan to operate in the Australian region, this comparison website will help you research that specific region and customers’ preferences.


This user-friendly price comparison website is one of the most popular ones in Australia. GetPrice allows you to compare products from countless niches like books, tech, fashion, and more. If you want to know the price of your type of product in some major city in Australia, this is the right website to visit. Entrepreneurs from Australia use it to stay relevant to the market.

Gimme Shopping Australia

Another price comparison website that Australians use on a daily basis. It offers you a huge amount of products, it is simple to use, and the relevant data it offers is of great help for retailers. If you are a store owner, then you can use this website to list your product for free and check your competitors’ products and prices as well.

When they are compared to other price comparison websites, Gimme Shopping Australia falls in the category of free comparison engines. Nevertheless, there is some fee to be paid if your store is getting traffic directly from Gimme Shopping Australia.


This is not a price comparison website per se. Instead, it is a mobile app that works a little differently than the other websites on this list. ShopSavvy allows you to scan the barcode on a certain product. And what do you get from that? A lot of customer reviews, product reviews, and price comparisons within your competition.

Although you already think this is a great app, it doesn’t stop here. ShopSavvy gives you the option to set up price alerts for specific products. For example, you like that cute little dress, but it’s out of your price range. Set up the price alert, and you will be notified when that cute little dress is on discount. This app is one of the most popular ones, and it has over a hundred million downloads.


This price comparison app shows users the best prices for countless products from eBay, AliExpress, and other online eCommerce platforms. If you are comparing the prices between the major platforms we mentioned above, this might be the best app that could help you.

Just enter the name of your product in the search bar and let PricePirates do the next. They have a huge amount of products listed in their queries, so the comparison will be tough if you don’t use the filtering options. If you are a store owner, this application might help you with your price strategy efforts.


People that have used BuyVia seem to be impressed. There are great reviews regarding this application. They scan products through QR and barcodes. The price comparison app offers numerous options for personalization. Similar to the other apps, you can subscribe to a specific niche and get notified about price discounts, package deals, and other news regarding those products.

This application delivers a unique experience and offers many services that other applications don’t offer. For example, on BuyVia you can compare used products with a brand new product. It offers you a list of different products and your only job is to filter the ones you like.


This app is mostly used in Africa and East Asia. If this is your target group, then this price comparison app might provide the data you need for structuring your pricing strategy. Their interface is friendly to use, and they offer a huge amount of data, starting from reviews to product details. As we’ve said above, their listings are countless and you can find every type of product there.


Users love ScanLife. It is super easy to use. The only thing that keeps you away from comparing prices is the barcode. When the user scans the barcode, a whole lot of data about prices pops up on the screen. They also have a loyalty program, which makes them the perfect comparison application.


You can download this app on Google Play. The users can compare product prices in their country, and it shows them the best deals available around them. It has a huge amount of products listed in their directories, it is perfect for deep research. You can scan products, and you can even create your personalized wish lists.


You can download this application on Google Play and the App Store. It has offers from all the popular online stores and brands. Users can easily find bargain deals for their favorite products. As it is described in the name, this application works via a scanner. The customer can scan the barcode or QR code of their product, and all the data will pop up on the screen.

What is the best price comparison site?

It all comes down to your business strategy. What will you sell and what are your goals? What is your target group? Where does your target group buy their favorite products? What are their characteristics?

It depends on your budget. How much are you willing to spend on this research? Is this the right thing? Are these search engines reliable sources for this kind of information? Don’t worry, you’ve got this. If you’ve already begun asking yourself any of the aforementioned questions, then start testing. You won’t know it if you don’t try.

We listed 30 price comparison websites for you, so each one could help you to increase your general online sales and those made through specific devices such as mobile. Do your research, learn more about your competition. Finally, make a plan, and then start earning big.

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