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Lovely Valentine’s Day Deals with BrandsGateway

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | February 9th, 2021
With Valentine’s Day approaching on February 14th, BrandsGateway’s team prepared some special promotions for their trusted base of dropshippers and wholesale buyers and for those newbies interested in getting a taste of our wide-ranging benefits.  This Valentine’s Day Deals is our very first special promotion for 2021, and we decided to make it lovely and memorable for everyone in the dropshipping industry. Therefore, our Valentine’s Day celebration will last more than just one day.  Get ready for BrandsGateway’s Valentine's day Deals that will last 7 days, starting from the 10th of February until the 17th of February. We have two special promotions dedicated to our registered dropshippers and first-time comers. 


7 eCommerce Success Stories to Inspire You

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | January 13th, 2021
Nowadays, the eCommerce industry keeps growing exponentially. Both businesses and individuals are looking to increase their sales online, knowing the potential of its market size. In the past year, specifically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the eCommerce industry has seen an instrumental expansion. This resulted in emerging numerous eCommerce success stories. Dropshipping plays a major role in the eCommerce industry now. With this business model, everyone has the opportunity to become a millionaire and become successful while working from home. To help you understand the benefits of eCommerce and the dropshipping model as a whole as well as be up to date with the dropshipping trends, we prepared 7 eCommerce success stories to inspire you in 2021. Each eCommerce is one of a kind - it talks about the unique opportunities that the eCommerce industry brings, both for the traditional and dropshipping business models. Some of the mentioned companies are successfully operating by adopting the dropshipping business model, while others have online stores where they sell unique branded products using the traditional eCommerce model. We have decided to share these eCommerce success stories here as proof that anyone can succeed in the eCommerce industry if they set their mind to it.

News and Announcements

2020 in Review: A Year of Challenges, Opportunities, and Achievements

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | December 30th, 2020
Marking and celebrating milestones as you prepare for your upcoming endeavors is fundamental for embracing new challenges with greater motivation and strength. Although a very strenuous year in all of the aspects we could think of, we can proudly say that, for us, 2020 was a year that we kickstarted with a sense of togetherness that helped us bring out the best in ourselves. Undoubtedly, we can conclude that every crisis provides grand opportunities. As the Covid-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, the first half of 2020, was marked by uncertainty. But with an amazing team working remotely from multiple locations across the globe, BrandsGateway confronted that uncertainty with enduring positive energy and team spirit. Numerous unprecedented obstacles were introduced to all of us, but with a robust strategy, we managed to take the lead and win the battle. Thus, we approached the following second half of 2020 with a strengthened strategic plan, and clearer priorities and goals. Our mission and vision for the upcoming 2021 and beyond are to continue working hard as a team and to exceed the expectations of our customers and partners by delivering premium services. Most importantly, to reinforce BrandsGateway’s position on the market and continue being the leading B2B luxury marketplace for designer clothing and accessories. Moving forward we will recall some of the silver linings from 2020 that have brought immense gratification and emphasized our year.

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