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10 Content Marketing Ideas for Your Dropshipping Store

Profile picture of Nedina Gjorgjieva
Nedina Gjorgjieva
2nd December, 2020
9 minutes

We won't start this article with the cliché saying “Content is King”, but we will say that content marketing plays an instrumental part in building and growing a reputable dropshipping business. For that reason, we gathered these 10 content marketing ideas that can help you in reaching new customers, and, ultimately, boosting your online sales.

If you check the most successful online stores you will realize that they invest in content marketing as a way to build a recognizable and reputable brand. They share quality informative content with their audience and make efforts to update it regularly. The benefits of investing in creating premium content are numerous - more store traffic, a bigger reputation, and more sales.

There are different types of quality content that you can publish as well as different types of marketing strategies such as omnichannel vs. multichannel. In this article, we will share 10 content marketing ideas that your dropshipping store can benefit from. Website articles are appreciated by your customers, website visitors, and Google.

When you provide quality content, customers usually don’t bounce from your website because they continue to read. Google crawlers notice their behavior and they rank your website higher in the search rankings. If you are ranked higher, you will get more traffic, which will bring more sales to you.

We’ve gathered different examples from other online stores that can help you throughout this process.

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Cross-promote with other online stores

In case you got confused that we mentioned your competition, don’t rush to concluding that this will be a bad idea. You don’t have to collaborate with your direct competition. Many indirect competitors can help you thrive because if you connect with them, you will get closer to your targeted audience. You can research and find online stores within your niche that target a different customer base than your own, or within a slightly diverse niche but targeting a similar audience.

For example, let’s say you have a dropshipping store for luxury clothing, whereas other store owner sells luxury home items. In other words, you are both operating in the niche of luxury products but with an accent on a different segment. Therefore, you might target a similar audience and help each other out to attract it.

Cross-promotion in content marketing works in the following way. Try to search for your indirect competitors on Google or social media platforms and try to reach them. If they complement your brand, try to work a content deal with them. Ask to write an article for their blog as a way to build backlinks that could help you rank higher in the search engines. Further, you could cross-post each other on social media, too. Make the most of it.

Include influencers in your marketing strategy

If you want to touch more audiences, for less money, influencers offer that option. You can make a few testimonials with some micro-influencers who would like to get featured on your website. Their followers’ numbers will rise, and you’ll get a free testimonial article that can boost your sales.

Some of those social media influencers will help you with your social media efforts. They will share the blog article you wrote about them either via Facebook posts, Instagram shoutouts, or other social media platforms and forms and you’ll get free traffic. Google crawlers will notice that traffic increases and will rank your site even higher. Make sure those influencers are relevant on social media to avoid problems.

Use User Generated Content (UGD)

You should sometimes let the customers make the content. That is the most engaging content that you could use. You don’t even have to think about what to create, what to write, how many words do you need.

Ask your customers to share their experience with your product

According to multiple reports, 93% of customers trust user-generated content more than the content created by the brands themselves. For people running a dropshipping store, this kind of content is a must for their business to flourish. Today, people take time into deciding whether or not they should buy something online. Having your trusted customers share valuable thoughts and personal experiences about your products can undoubtedly help you attract new customers.

Share content from behind the scenes

Your designs can be one of the best among your competition, but if you don’t have that social proof, your content isn’t worth as much as you think. People like to connect with other people, they like to read testimonials, experiences, reviews, and they like to know who is responsible for their products.

Try to remove the curtains and present your visitors with some content from behind the scenes. Present some employee stories, present yourself – that human element will bring you many more visitors and loyal customers.

Do you think that this kind of content is not suitable for your dropshipping store? We recommend you try it and come back to give us some feedback about it. Photos with faces get more reach and impressions, and people react better to them.

How-to articles for your products

This idea made on this list of content marketing ideas for your dropshipping store because it’s highly recommended if your products are complex to use. Not every product needs this kind of attention and manual, but customers appreciate it when you try to ease their process.

For example, you sell smartwatches. Even if you have a manual in your product package, try to make some how-to content about it and complement it with visuals. Showcase your product’s strengths, because it will probably help you with the sales. You need to point out why your product is better than the others, and how the customers can use the most of it.

Many of the customers will see new ways to use it and they’ll probably reply and engage with the content you posted. If you have this kind of content on your store, Google will probably rank your website higher, this puts you in front of your competition.

Create polls for your audience

People want to know that their opinion is welcomed and appreciated, even if you don’t apply the suggestions they proposed. This is human nature, and this will never change. Apart from the website, you can make the most of this content with social media.

Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms offer many options to do quick research on your audience. If you like to raise your engagement rate on social media, start doing polls. People prefer quick polls better than long-written reviews. Try to find some topic that could trigger your audience, but be careful, these kinds of posts can backfire. You should be careful and avoid sensitive topics, but rather focus on questions that are related to your dropshipping store.

Video marketing

Video marketing is the content you want to publish in the upcoming years. Everyone who is working as a marketer will recommend you start creating this kind of content. More than 50% of the people that watch product videos, decide to purchase the product.

Quality means a lot, so, even with the great cameras nowadays, mobile phones could still not catch the quality you need to make a video or host a live event. However, professional video equipment and material might cost you a lot, so social media streaming is a safe alternative.

Using Facebook Live can help you promote your business on social media

People get notified when some page is streaming live, so this is an attention-getter. Afterward, you can post the video on your website, and the quality will be approved since they know you’ve streamed that video before.

Run a giveaway on your website

Another great content marketing idea that works is organizing a giveaway. This tactic works with every category of products, and particularly with fashion products. People love free things, and most of them engage in contests. However, you should be prepared for the downside of this. Just because people enjoy receiving free products, you might risk building an audience base that is not your target.

Take your time to set specific rules for your giveaway in order to engage the right audience. With these rules, those who sincerely want your product will take the time to participate in the game. The others that would participate only because of free products will skip your giveaway. Even if you engage a smaller audience, have in mind that it will be the right audience. The benefits of such giveaways are increased traffic, more leads, etc.

Company news and product announcements

This list of content marketing ideas wouldn’t be complete if we overlook this one. Announcements of your dropshipping store’s milestones, or upcoming products, discounts, or promotions are the real deal in content marketing. This strategy is used by most online stores, and dropshipping suppliers as well. As an example, you can check BrandsGateway’s category of company announcements and news where they publish news related to the brands they have in their portfolio as well as upcoming sales events.

You can also start with the upcoming sales or products and make sure to announce the sale a couple of days before it starts. People will start checking the availability of your products consistently, and most of them are even going to save some of them in their browsers. Most of the dropshipping stores’ owners decide to pre-announce a sale before the peak holiday season, their birthday, or other notable events.

Q&A sessions with the employees

Try to connect with your audience by sharing more personal things about your business. Getting to know your team of employees can increase the trust of your customers. Organizing Q&A sessions in different content formats is a great way to show your targeted audience that behind the curtains there are people who care about their needs and preferences.

In a nutshell

Content marketing is indispensable when it comes to executing an effective marketing strategy. If you want and plan to achieve more in the eCommerce industry, you can’t depend only on paid advertising or social media. To get on top of your marketing efforts, you must improve your store’s SEO rankings by providing quality content to your audience. Explore these content marketing ideas to be able to improve the visibility of your dropshipping store and products.

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