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Business Kick-Starter Guides

60+ TikTok Bios to Uplift Your Dropshipping Business

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | September 28th, 2022
TikTok is no longer just a regular social media app offering your typical internet entertainment. It has now become a powerful tool you can use to your dropshipping fashion store’s advantage to engage with customers and keep up with dropshipping trends and millennial purchasing trends. With its particularly large social network of currently over 700 million users, as shared by Statista, the platform is often consulted by people as it has been noticed to frequently be the birthplace of numerous fashion trends and fads. Find more statistics at Statista Despite the usual TikTok advertising tips and tricks, a vital part of building a successful TikTok community is your TikTok bio. Why do you wonder? Well, the bio is among the first things customers will see when opening your account and most likely build on it their expectations of your store. Therefore, we’ve put together a bunch of TikTok bio examples as well as a short TikTok bio writing guide to land you a hand in creating a thriving TikTok audience. Recommended reading: TikTok ad examples for dropshipping

Business Kick-Starter Guides

How to Use Google Shopping Ads to Maximize your Fashion Store’s Sales?

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | September 20th, 2022
In today’s day and age, it’s almost impossible to be an internet user that hasn’t made at least one single online purchase. We say this because even if users don’t go on the internet with the particular goal of buying something, it’s more than likely that they’ll come across a shopping ad one way or another. Having said that, Google Shopping Ads are easily one of the most efficient ways to increase both your eCommerce and mCommerce sales and redirect a substantial number of internet visitors to your fashion store’s website. As of January 2022, Google has generated 61.4% of the total search queries in the US, alluding to the engine’s enormous network of users that can be targeted via Google Shopping Ads. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about these ads, including a complete tutorial on how to create your first Google fashion ad campaign, examples of clothing ads, and strategies for maximizing your profit gains.


A Beginner’s Guide on Amazon Dropshipping

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | September 6th, 2022
It wasn’t that long ago when Amazon was introduced in the eCommerce world as a young online marketplace where people could purchase and sell items. Nowadays, Jeff Bezos’ company has taken the world by storm and for many has become the number one sales channel, a fact that can be proven by looking at research provided by Statista. As of April 2021, Amazon has been holding the title of the most popular online marketplace with approximately 5.2 billion visitors on a monthly basis, followed by eBay with 1.7 billion visitors per month, according to Statista. For this reason and many others, we’ll be discussing further in the article, Amazon has been described as the dream selling platform by a plethora of online entrepreneurs, especially dropshippers.  So, how can you turn around your business with the help of Amazon and how exactly could you do that with Amazon dropshipping? Feeling intrigued already? Then stick around to find out the rest of the details.

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