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How to Pick a Domain Name for Your Online Store

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | December 21st, 2020
There are millions of websites on the world wide web. To stand out from the crowd, you'll need to make sure your brand is unique and memorable, and that represents your online business in the right manner. To put it differently, there are a few things that could affect your brand identity. One of them is the domain name of your online store.


How to Set the Right Retail Price for Your Products

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | December 7th, 2020
If you own an online store, then you know that every once in a while, there's a need to update the inventory. However, promoting new products isn't all about importing XLS files and descriptions. You need to take care of the quantity, calculate profit margins, define pricing strategies, and more. Since it's a pretty complex process, you need to take it seriously. There are multiple aspects to consider when you're looking to set the right retail price for your products. It's recommended to cover all of them so that you get a better idea of how much profits you can expect to make per product. By the time you're done reading this article, you'll get a better picture of how to set the right retail prices.


30 Price Comparison Websites to Increase Online Sales

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | November 19th, 2020
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are not sure which price to put on your products? The solution to this problem is are price comparison websites. These days all Internet users are conducting deeper research. Therefore, customers are comparing prices to find the best deals online, and retailers are comparing prices to get a better picture of how their competitors are working. As this is already very frequent in the eCommerce industry, today there are a lot of price comparison websites that can help store owners. It’s never been easier, there are hundreds of comparison methods they can use. If you have an online store, you must learn how to quickly adjust the prices of all your products. But, first, let us help you learn the basics and understand what is a price comparison and how price comparison websites work.


Top-Selling Men’s Clothing in 2024

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | October 17th, 2020
It’s almost impossible to run an online men's clothing boutique without doing research about which are the top-selling men's clothing. Even though at the moment the women’s apparel market is in a superior position in comparison with the men’s apparel market, it doesn't mean that it will stay that way. In this article, we decided to put the accent on top-selling men’s clothing in 2024. The reason behind this is the change in buyer behavior - today more men are starting to buy their clothes online. If you think that women should be your clothing store’s primary target audience, we would advise you to think twice and not to exclude male buyers. The global eCommerce market for men’s clothing is on the rise. In other words, if you want to enter the eCommerce clothing market, men’s clothing is definitely a niche that you should consider. You shouldn’t enter this market blindly though. Just like any other business, it’s recommended that you discover which products fall under the category of best-selling men's clothing before you open your online store. Choosing the right products plays a huge role in the success of your eCommerce business. Furthermore, it’s not a very simple task. For that reason, in this article, we will discuss which are expected to be the best-selling clothing items for men in 2024.


How to Sell Luxury Goods Online and Earn Profits

Posted by Nedina Gjorgjieva | September 1st, 2020
In the eCommerce industry, it becomes more and more common for boutique owners who at first were selling low-cost items to shift to selling luxury goods online. Wonder why they make such a decision? Although it’s a rather safe alternative, selling cheap merchandise doesn’t bring a significant income. So they ask themselves what other ways are there to generate bigger profits? As it happens, in the market for luxury goods lies a bigger opportunity to make more money. The latest statistics report the following digits: The luxury goods market now counts US$312.60bn; It's anticipated to grow by 5.40% annually in the period between 2022-2027; The largest segment of the market is Luxury Fashion with a revenue of US$97.23bn as of 2022; By the end of 2022, up to 20% of the total profit is projected to be generated via online sales. This data puts luxury products, especially fashion ones, in a superior position as compared to low-cost merchandise and it's the reason why many store owners are looking into the solution of switching to selling luxury items. If they try to sell low-quality products at higher prices, they could risk losing their customers’ trust. Moreover, offering these items online can be an even bigger game-changer as the eCommerce industry is known to be unbelievably profitable. To prove our point, as reported by Statista, eCommerce retail sales have currently reached over US$5 trillion. And they won't stop there. According to the same study, by 2026, they're forecasted to amount to a staggering US$8 trillion. Having all of that information in mind, in this guide, we’ll delve into the most important aspects of how to sell luxury goods online on the fashion market. We'll start with the basics of what are ‘luxury goods’ and continue to explain how to sell them online.

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