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How Florida Retail Fashion Boutique Owner Found Success with BrandsGateway

Rovena Kafilaj has always had a high aspiration of running her own fashion boutique. It was a dream, that she never gave up on just like every true entrepreneur. Now, she’s a proud owner of a thriving retail store in Tampa, Florida, located in one of the best high-end shopping malls in her area.


In order to get things rolling, Rovena needed to secure the key element of her business – finding a reliable supplier who’ll guarantee her extensive product selection, great prices, on-time delivery, impeccable packaging, and most importantly, direct communication. 


Furthermore, with her target audience mostly consisting of a younger male demographic in their 20s and 30s, Rovena was also struggling to stumble upon a wholesaler with a wide enough collection of men’s apparel and accessories that’d enable her to handpick the items herself based on her shoppers’ interests.


“I wanted to have a fashion boutique for a long time, but being a mother of four children, I simply had no time to focus on anything else. When I realized that I have the time to start working on my business, the next obstacle was where do I find these nice luxury clothes to sell in my boutique? ”


Rovena’s struggles were finally put to rest once she discovered fashion wholesale supplier BrandsGateway which offered her everything she’d ever looked for in a supplier:


  • Expansive clothing catalog of luxury items
  • Impressive brand differentiation of over 100 fashion houses
  • 100% original designer products
  • Weekly stock update 
  • High-profit margins
  • Conveniently fast shipping
  • Premium customer support
  • Orders based on individually chosen items
  • Direct communication on multiple channels: email, phone, demo calls, and WhatsApp.


By selling the products that BrandsGateway has in its portfolio, Rovena’s store has significantly stood out from the huge crowd of retail businesses. This resulted in selling her products like hot cakes, especially around holidays, such as Father’s Day, when Rovena accomplished selling about $6.000 worth of stock


Demanded items, such as designer t-shirts disappear from the shelves in a week or two, enthusiastically reports Rovena. Incredibly grateful for BrandsGateway’s large catalog and endless support,  Rovena has developed a more personal relationship with the company, referring to them as her business partner and not just as her supplier.


‘’When I say customer service is important this is one of the key features which makes BrandsGateway special for me. That’s why I like calling you my business partner, not just my supplier!’’

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